Sunday, February 16, 2014


Despite the gigantic winter storm that threatened to ruin our plans, Wayne and Gina managed to make it safely to Milwaukee. In fact, because of the winter storm, they called the airline and got their flights moved up for free. So not only did they make it in safe and sound, but we got a whole extra day!

I had to go to work on Thursday, but everyone else wasted no time in getting busy working on the house. We've had two slab doors sitting in our living room for about a year now, and well, it was about time that they got out of the living room and onto some hinges. Turns out, it was quite an ordeal, since our house is, well, eccentric. You can see the lovely before below:

And then the final stages of putting in the new paned door for the staircase, including Wayne drilling the hole for the knobs (which doesn't come pre-drilled on a slab door). It was quite a struggle to get them up, and I know we couldn't have done it without help.

And then, the (nearly) finished product. All that's left now is to paint them and put the trim back on (and take the plastic off the glass so that you can actually see through the door to the stairs). Also, check out the custom stop on the bedroom door (that pale bit all around the frame). The stuff we could buy at the store just looked way too wimpy, so Wayne and Matt made their own! It looks pretty awesome, if I do say so. 

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