Sunday, October 19, 2014

Even the grass needs an update

I'm honestly not sure if the pictures will do this justice, but you'll just have to believe me that our yard had a problem. See at one point, there was another garden, in a different location, and you, well, ok, you can't really see it in the picture below, but believe me, there was an obvious depression spanning between the gutters. Even the grass there was different, sparser and more weeds. So we decided we'd fix it up and rented, that's right, a rototiller.

Mark and Roy came over to help and we got going on the lawn. Well, Matt and Mark did, Roy and I spent the day cleaning out the flowerbeds and taking down some dead branches on the pine.

In no time we had the whole area tilled up, then it was time to add more dirt so that it wasn't such and obvious depression.

Afther that, the entire thing had to be tamped down

Then we seeded and covered it with hay

Fast forward a few months and you can barely tell! (ok the new grass is just a little greener than the old, but when we reseed the whole lawn next year it should blend right in. And, on the vastly improved side, no more obvious depression in the lawn!)

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