Sunday, September 16, 2012

Cars and cooking

So part of the reason we've been a little slow working on the house is that Matt has been very busy working on the cars. He replaced the shocks in the van, the rotors and brakes for all four wheels on the subaru, and helped Mark replace the rear breaks on their jeep. Wheew, I'm exhausted just saying it. Here's some visuals to go with the story:

We are starting a parts graveyard next to the old washer. Eventually, we'll take it all to the dump, but we might as well wait until we have a full load, right?

While Matt was working on cars, I did some cooking (sometimes we are weirdly gender oriented). In any case, although we don't have a garden yet, we did discover a tomatillo plant in one of our flower beds. A strange place for it, to be sure, but I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. So instead I made salsa, which turned out pretty awesome, i have to say.

I also went to the farmers market and bought basil to make pesto (inspired by a trip to one of Matt's labmates garden, which was redolent of basil, mostly because he had basil everywhere). In any case, I couldn't get the idea of pesto out of my head, and since we are mostly out, i bought a pound of basil and made some

I also kept some cuttings and I'm really hoping they'll root so I can grow some of my own. Yum.

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