Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Leroy's loot

So, we did register for a couple things not for the house. But to be fair, they aren't for us either. They are for ol' furry britches, cause we can't resist

First up, the only toy worth buying our cat, the giant krinkly ball

Now, over the years, we've bought fluffernutter a ton of toys. Mice, catnip, feathers, laser pointers, you name it. And the only toy he likes more than just a balled up piece of paper is the krinkly ball. Anticlimactic, but hey, he knows what he likes.

And since we've bought a lot of them, we had to have some place to put them (well, when they aren't all living under the couches). Right now we are using good old cardboard:

So, I thought maybe we'd upgrade to some nicer baskets that don't say "tofu" or "organic carrots" on the front

And I"m still toying (haha, get it?) with the idea of putting one of these babies on the list:

Now that the tree is down, that corner looks kinda lonely. Plus then we can put up the Christmas gifts Kate and Nate gave us ( you can see one in the corner there) and finally declare ourselves crazy cat people. I mean really, who are we fooling anyway?

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