Saturday, February 16, 2013

More arch!

Matt and I had a very busy day today. We met with the DJ this morning, spent a lovely afternoon in Stoughton looking at antiques, and then met with the cake lady in the afternoon. And continuing our wedding themed day, we decided to work on the arch. When we left off last time, we had one side mostly done:

Well, tonight we finished it, and its twin:

Of course, the second one went much quicker, since we had all the measurements already in place. Pretty exciting, since now all we have left is the top.

As we've already discussed, Matt spent a good amount of time making 6 very perfect notches in three boards. Now these boards are going to make up the main horizontal pieces at the top and we wanted to do something fancy to the edges. I did some sketching, and here's what we came up with:

Which looks lovely, right? A nice gentle curve, add some flair. But then we realized (well Matt realized) that after the experience cutting the notches, cutting a curve might be more than we bargained for time and effort wise.We did explore quite a few cutting options, including a jigsaw, a coping saw, a handsaw and even this dremel saw (which it turns out only cuts 1/4 inch deep)

So, we talked about it over dinner, and I think we might just turn that curve into a 45 degree angle. In the end, I think it will look just as nice and we won't have to invest in a band saw to complete our project.

In other news, I got to try out my wedding hairstyle friday night and it looks lovely. I'm pretty excited :)

1 comment:

  1. You should be able to turn that rounded angle with the jig saw, then sand it down smooth
