Saturday, June 29, 2013

We are significantly cooler than we used to be

Or at least, the upstairs is now that we bought a new air conditioner for the little bedroom and put James's up in his room. We started in the little bedroom with the new air conditioner. First we had to get it out of the box

 Then, we spent about two hours staring at the window and trying to figure out how to get the unit to actually sit right in the sill. See, we have vinyl windows, so we don't want to have to drill into them, which means we needed to get creative. The two hours of creativity yielded us an L-shaped board to sit over the sill and another board to act as a pseudo sash for the window, which doesn't sound all that creative, but a lot of thought went into it, don't be fooled. Here's matt with the L board.

And what it looks like in the window

And the finished product. Notice the lovely paint job that makes it blend in really nicely with the window

And the finished product after we spent some time sealing all the gaps with foam and window stripping. Looks pretty good, right?

The next night Matt helped James do the same for his window. Here's what the first iteration looked like.

James's window is slightly different than the one in the little bedroom and instead of a large sill it has just a little lip. So Matt and James designed this little piece, pretty great right?

Well, it was, but when the put the air conditioner on it, they noticed that it would be even greater if the air conditioner could sit down into the top of the piece. So, they set up the router portion of the table saw.

Here's what it looks like set up. The router is that bit sticking up surrounded by red to the left there and the guide can move back and forth so that you can position the router under the board where you please.

Here's the first test run

 And here is James making the cut on the board.

And the final product.

Looks pretty amazing, right?

And we can all sleep better and be a little cooler than we were a few days ago.

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