Monday, March 11, 2013

Back at it

Well, here we are, just a couple days after the wedding and we're chomping at the bit to get back to work on the house. Last night we even put together our new bench (courtesy of a yet unknown guest at the wedding since it arrived without a card. We'll have to do some sleuthing there.)

See the unruly before

And the vastly improved better:

It went together pretty quick. Even Leroy got in on the action:

Today Matt and I took a day off and after a lovely breakfast with my parents, went looking at antiques. We've got a few purchases in mind, including an armoire for the bedroom. Didn't have any luck but we did see some cool things and talk to some interesting people.

Then, we took a trip to target and although we only went for hair gel and photo corners, we came back with a couple new lights!

You can see Matt there all tuckered out from our lovely day (ok, maybe the wedding two days ago also played a role in the zonk out...). Its a vast improvement from our old lamps.

AND, to top off all the fun, our kitchen looks like a flower explosion! I totally love it, but I think Matt's going to want our counters back at some point.

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