Thursday, March 21, 2013

Little improvements

Well its been a busy week for both of us at work, which cut back a little on us working on the house, but we did manage to do a couple things each to keep some of our projects moving.

Matt began repair work on the header over the stairs which had to be sacrificed during move in to get a box spring up the stairs. Matt had cut some interesting pieces of wood to fill the gaps because we misplaced a couple of the pieces

The before

and another before angle

 Matt showing off his carpentry skills

That's right, he cut that triangle from a 2x4! Pretty slick considering we have no experience in carpentry except for the arch

 Adding back in the piece that we did have and you get pretty close to what it used to look like

 Well, except from this angle. Obviously we still have some plaster work to do before we call it done.

Then, he also started working getting the kitchen ready to tile. A while back I put up mud and spackle to seal up all the holes in our new dry wall. Matt, being the smart man that he is, bought a new, vaccum attached, sander. It worked pretty well and kept a lot of the dust out of the kitchen. While he was doing this, I sanded the butcher block down (you can see the edge there in the first shot)

Here Matt is giving the vacuum attachment the tried and true "paper towel" test. It passed.

And it worked pretty well on the walls too.

And last but not least a finished shot of the butcher block after sanding with two different grits and conditioning overnight. Came out pretty sexy if you ask me.

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