Sunday, March 10, 2013

Leroy missed us and the house did too

So some of you might know, but Matt and I got married this weekend!

More pics to follow at some point (and thanks to Mark for this one!). We had an awesome time and couldn't have asked for more. (Notice the arch in the background. Turned out pretty great, right?)

Of course while we were doing this, we were not at the house.Which meant poor Leroy was home alone for most of the weekend. He's a pretty social little guy and he gets upset when we leave him alone too long. And to show his displeasure, he occasionally leaves us "presents" outside the litter box, which we lovingly clean up because times when he does things like this

make up for his little indiscretions.

However, this time, I think he's gone too far. The house is now following his lead. We left it alone for two days and came back to this:

That's right, the door voided its core all over our front porch.

Ok, so what really happened is that the bottom plastic cap/strip which protects the core got some water in it, which turned to ice, which split the plastic, which caused the door not to shut right. So, Matt pulled the strip off a few weeks ago not realizing that with the melting snow, the core of the door would get wet pretty far up and well, this would happen. Although, I still prefer the "our house missed us so much it pooped itself" theory...

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