Thursday, May 23, 2013

And more gardening

Continuing on, you might be wondering why we are going to so much trouble with all these posts and the like. Well, the answer is: bunnies! Granted, bunnies are one of my favorite animals, but they are killer on the garden. And we've got tons of them. We've got babies:

And of course, good old Mr. Bighead.

So the fence to keep those suckers out is pretty important. So important that we've (and when I say we I mean mostly Matt) dug 4 ft deep holes for 7 4x4s and 8 2x4s.

Why 4 feet you ask, well, so we can get below the frost level and the posts won't slowly raise up from the ground during each freeze/thaw session. 

 In addition, becase we are putting in a gate, we put the two gate posts in concrete. We had a small debate about whether it was easier to get the poles square and straight by adding dirt and tamping it down or harder to mix and pour the concrete. I think we decided it was a wash. Concrete is harder to prep but easier to get the pole set, dirt is less up front prep, but takes longer and is more finicky.

 We also made our lives a little more interesting by putting the fence right next to the old apple tree stump. I was pretty worried that it would be very difficult to get the post square and true, but it went pretty quick actually. We screwed a smaller 2x4 to the stump and got that one all squared away and then the post went on easy.

We are still in the process of putting chicken wire up. You can see we've got about three pieces up at the moment and since we started with the top only a very energetic bunny that only tries to get into the garden by hopping 2-4 feet in the air on two sides of the garden will be thwarted in thier efforts, but hey, we are working on it. 

And I finally got to plant some plants. One of the squash has flowers, so at least we can count on getting something. 

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