Thursday, May 23, 2013

So much gardening

Ok, full confession, there's more building than gardening going on at the moment, but we are making progress. Who knew that a garden could be such a project? i mean, given the way we work, I suppose I should have guess, but I didn't, and now it's too late to go back. So bravely forward my friends, here's what we've been up to the last couple weeks (as a side note, sorry for the tardiness of my posts, I think this is the longest I've ever gone!)

I think where we left off last time was that we were starting to put up the posts that would hold up the chicken wire fence. And in the middle of that, well, we also needed to dig the beds to actually plant the plants. So, while we were gone on a mini vacation to lake arrowhead with my family, james was kind enought to get us started by diggeng out the 4' x 10' x 1 ft deep bed.

The next step was to fill it with wood. According to our gardening expert, the wood will decay creating a rich base for the plants and will help retain moisture.

After that, we layered in the sod we dug up with compost we got from a compost site. 10 bucks for a whole truckbedfull of it. (the place was wicked hard to find and we got there about 10 minutes before it closed, but we made it!)

Here we are back up to ground level

 And here's the truck bed, empty and the pile of dirt that was left. We thought that we'd get at least two beds out of the one truckload, but it took more compost than we thought and we'll have to get more for the next bed. Not that at 10 bucks a pop, its a real problem.

The finish bed

And the lovely lawn job

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