Thursday, March 3, 2016

Demo weekend - basement carpet

Well, we had a very full weekend of demo at the new place thanks in large part to my parent's help :). First, we started with the carpet in the basement, which looked like it had maybe been installed when the house was built in the late 60's. 

Looks like it was also a convenient place to keep a large, perhaps incontinent dog. Pretty much the entire carpet looked like this:

And then there was the dirt under the carpet, which was astounding and especially impressive in the entryway from the garage (I mean, who puts carpet there anyway, right. All those dirty shoes for all those years... ewww).

Once we got that up, we found this lovely tile underneath (you can see more of a close up in the last picture):

Which also looks original to the house. Some, if not all of it will have to come up when we put in the new tiled entryway, but luckily, since it's so old, we tested removing some of it and it pops right up. It even leaves a really cool pattern and greeny yellow color. 

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