Thursday, March 3, 2016

Demo weekend - coat closet

To compliment the new entryway that we are planning to put in, and to alleviate some of the lack of closet space, we decided to turn the under the stairs storage into a more functional space by turning it into a large coat closet with storage behind. It'll be sort of Narnia-esque, except that behind the coats will just be some large boxes and a cement wall instead of a whole new world.

So, like all things, you must destroy to build up, and that's where we began:

Of course, it doesn't look like much now, really just the absence of something. But just imagine it with a nice sliding door, and a long bar for hanging all our coats, and a nice set of shoe racks so that we don't have to track mud throughout the house. That plus the absence of carpet should make the whole area a lot easier to get and keep clean.

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