Tuesday, April 2, 2013

My name isn't Mary

and I'm pretty sure I'm not contrary, but I hope my garden grows!

Ok, so, that's sort of a lame intro but sometimes my brain works in lame ways. In any case, I officially started my garden last night!

We bought a kit on amazon that has 72 wells, a tray to hold excess water, a lid to keep in the moisture and a little heating pad to keep the baby plants all warm and happy. Then we bought soil and home depot and all I had to do was put everything together.

First I filled the wells

And then I wet them. (Side note, next time I think I would wet the soil, then fill the wells. It tended to want to float and then I had to add more because the water also compressed it. Took a couple iterations, but I got there)

Then I poked some holes and added seeds

The final step was to set it up in a sunny spot. (Matt even set up a desk lamp later to make sure they get enough sun :) )

No visible growth yet, but we're waiting on pins and needles over here

In other news Matt has been in the garage for two days straight taking it from this:

To this:

No more arch debris and, bonus (!) we can get the cars back in it. It looks amazing and now we are all reset and ready to get back to work.

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