Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Ding dong the fridge is dead

Well, its official, we've had our first death in the family. Not to worry though, its just the fridge. I came home today and tried to open the freezer to find that it wouldn't open. Further investigation showed that a huge block of ice had formed. Once I had manhandled the freezer door open, I realized that the ice tray was dripping and we had a fair sized glaicer working its way down the freezer door. Also, I noticed things weren't quite as cold as they should be.

Suffice it to say, I don't have before picutures (what with the flurry of activity to empty the fridge/freezer) but on the upside, we have two fridges! And a freezer! So no harm, no foul. I did take some after pictures:

The dead fridge (with Leroy investigating): 

And the garage fridge, now full to the brim:

On the up side. we've finally settled the debate as to which fridge was larger (old fridge) AND now we have less incentive to snack, so that will be good for our waistlines :)

These things happen. No one's fault, of course. Roy, Rayanne, we love you.

1 comment:

  1. I'll come and organize your NEW new fridge when you decide on one. :)
