Sunday, August 19, 2012

so many things

Well, its been a busy weekend. Matt cut the grass and fixed a gaping hole in the soffet:


on Saturday while I was off on my B&B birthday gift. 

Then on Sunday I finished painting the cupboard doors (finally) and hung them while Matt and James took apart his box spring and reassembled it upstairs:

I"m pretty happy with the decision to paint these boards the same color as the wall, I think it would have been super distracting to have a big white patch on that wall. Plus, check out the before shot, we've really done a lot since then!

And, as the icing on the cake, we also reclaimed the porch. We had been using it to paint on since it had been so hot, but its not that hot anymore and it seemed like a good time to move the unpainted cabinet doors back out to the garage so we could actually enjoy the lovely weather we've been having:

The lone "beer man" chair by the fridge was, of course, Matt's idea. 

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