Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Kitchen progress

My parents came up this weekend to help us with the house and thank goodness. Over the three days they were here we did the following:

1. Sand all the cabinet doors (which I took off with some friends a couple days before)
2. Wash all the cabinet doors
3. Sand all the remaining trim/cabinet wood
4. Wash all the trim/cabinet wood
5. Sand and wash the walls and ceiling
6. Sand and wash the doors
7. Clean everything
8. Prime all the cabinet doors
9. Prime most of the remaining cabinetry and trim

Here's what it looked like the day before they left (they actually did even more priming while matt and i were at work, thanks mom and dad!)

If you look closely, you can see some of the paint colors in the second photo by the door. The yellow is the wall color and that little grey bit is actually the color we are going to be painting the living room, but just imagine it a little darker, and you've got the cabinet color. You can also see Jimmy in both these pics :)

It wasn't all smooth sailing though, the house decided to fight back in the form of trapping dad's hand in a window (this is a picture of his injury, don't be alarmed)

 Matt was also a victim:

 But we powered through

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