Saturday, November 10, 2012

finally time

well, we waited as long as we could, but it was finally time. The leaves are all down and it was 65 outside. Basically, the universe mandated that today, we rake. And who are we to argue? Especially when the lawn looked like this:

So we walked over to Dorn and bought a rake, so we could both participate. But we only got about this far (a little less actually)

and the original rake we had gave up the ghost:

And I had to go get another (which is the "little after" I was referring to in the first post. Matt kept raking with the one good rake while I went to get another and that pic is that state of the yard when I got back). In any case, once we got two working rakes we made short work of the leaves:

On the awesome side, the city of Oregon has leaf pickup until the first snow. All you have to do is leave the leaves (haha, oh puns) by the side of the road and the city will pick them up. So we raked the piles the leaves on a tarp and dragged them to the curb:

 The picture doesn't really do it justice, but that's a lot of leaves, I promise.

We also cleaned the gutters and repaired the roof in places:

But if you were worried that all we did is work, its not true. We also had some fun with the cat. I think the pictures tell a pretty good story.

But just in case its not super clear, it went like this: Matt threw Leroy in the leaves and he ran faster than I've ever seen back to the door of the house and then refused to go in the door. Of course. :)

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