Friday, November 30, 2012

We fought the plumbing, and we won!

As you might have noticed from our last thanksgiving post, we had a little mishap with the sink. Mostly involving me discovering a leak just as we were cleaning up all the tools... and I wish the leak had only involved water. I'll spare you the pictures; food sludge is not pretty. We haven't been able to use the left side of the sink since Tuesday and tonight we decided to take matters into our own hands. We decided to make this mess look better:

This, of course, necessitated a trip to Home depot. Matt, James and I spent about 20 minutes in the PVC aisle staring at different iterations of contorted white plastic piping before surrendering and asking for help. The employee was quick to disclaim that she couldn't give plumbing advice, but she did point us to an aisle that had a bunch of pieces that looked waaaaaaay more like what was currently under the sink. Of course, we still spent quite a bit of time examining those parts too:

 When we got home, we took pretty much everything apart

But we quickly realized, we had forgotten a couple parts. So I ran back to home depot and grabbed the extra parts. Leroy made sure we have everything in order:

So we measured and cut and put together washers and nuts and got everything exactly right

and then, the moment of truth, we turned on the water. But, it was a no go, we still had a leak. Right at the back, where the metal pipe is connected to the plastic, the one piece we didn't replace because we couldn't get it off. So we spent a lot of time thinking and puzzling and looking at the parts we had lying around and finally, inspiration struck and Matt figured it out:

We all took turns and it was James that finally got the offending pipe piece off, but eventually, we ended up with this:

And it worked!!! No leaks, no problems, rock solid. Pretty awesome. Of course we were left with a bunch of bits and scraps:

But any good project requires you crack a few eggs, errr, pipes... :)


  1. There are always parts left over. Don't fret it. Nice job.ww

  2. There are always parts left over. Don't fret it. Nice job.ww

  3. Then if you get the new sink eventually, you'll get to do it all over again. It's good practice.
