Tuesday, November 20, 2012

It begins

Well, its the start of a big week. You might think weeks start on Monday, but not this week. This week starts with the arrival of Matt's parents and the first construction in the basement :)

Step one, remove some concrete so we can pour a new footer. Here, Matt's using a hammer drill to poke holes in the floor so we can remove the concrete

Of course, you have to drill a lot of holes:

and do a lot of chiseling:

and then a lot of sledge hammering:

 And then digging

and voila!

and, we're starting the lifting, one beam at a time:

This one is under the stairs, so it took a little extra support:

But do you see it? do you see the gap?!


1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Good luck with the project and Happy Turkey Day!
